

The Storytelling Trifecta: Opportunity

This week we are focusing on the third and final pillar of ‘The Storytelling Trifecta’ to amplify women's sport - Opportunity. The women's sports sector is in its early growth stage, offering a chance for stakeholders - brands, federations, athletes, broadcasters, and platforms - to create a mutually beneficial value cycle.


Opportunities for stakeholders in women's sports lie primarily in sponsorship. Despite US$66 billion spent annually on sports sponsorship, only around 1% goes to women's sports. However, as live rights and ad revenues face pressure, sponsorship is projected to grow 8% annually through 2030. Rights holders and federations must prioritise delivering value for sponsors and partners at the centre of commercial strategies, as brands see a significant sentiment uplift (30-40%) when associating with women's sports.

Women's sports offer untapped audiences and athlete ambassadors with untold compelling stories. A more affordable entry point, coupled with the potential to grow market share, makes the ROI on many women's sports, more appealing to sponsors than its male counterparts, and the same can be said for broadcasters as well.

Sponsors are eager to support women's sports, recognising both the moral obligation and the opportunity to reach new audiences. Women's sports are thriving in a social-first age, free from legacy TV contracts and old mindsets focused solely on broadcast revenue. This freedom allows for integrated social strategies, athlete-first stories, and creative communities, positioning women's sport to attract new audiences and explore new market routes effectively.

Women's sports offer untapped audiences and athlete ambassadors with untold compelling stories


It is a significant time of disruption in the industry, and that always comes with challenges and opportunities. While challenges are common across all sports, women's sports uniquely offer opportunities like engaging new audiences, sharing untold stories, and growing sponsorship market share. The women's sports sector is in its early growth stage, presenting a chance for collaborative efforts among stakeholders to create a value cycle benefiting all. Storytelling remains the constant driver for growth, as loyal and engaged audiences are crucial for success.

Watch the full recording of our Everything in Sport session - The Storytelling Trifecta: Harnessing Visibility, Connection, and Opportunity to Amplify Women's Sports.


At Story10, we’re always striving to put female athletes and their achievements in the limelight they deserve. By working with our partners involved in women's sports, we create authentic news stories that complement event action and highlight female athletes and their accomplishments.

Get in touch to find out more about our work and our services.